TRUE BODY® is a seminar concept that Sigrid Wagner, licensed psychologist and psychotherapist in Frankfurt/M., and I developed together.
Our experience of psychotherapies caused us to become increasingly aware of a disorder of many people´s inner body representation. Assuming that our body-self is the earliest and innermost kernel of our self, then a balanced body-consciousness is of great importance for a subjectively satisfactory concept of oneself, which in its turn can boost equanimity and assurance both in professional and private life.
There has seldom if ever been an epoch so fixated as ours on the externality of appearance and determined more by the dictates of so-called beauty. The generally accepted other-directed perfectionistic body norm makes it extremely hard to feel well in and with one´s own body and develop a positive feeling for that special body that fits us, as it were, in which we feel at home with ourselves.
For the above reasons the central goal of TRUE BODY® seminar is to work on and achieve a more clearly developed body awareness. To do this a wide variety of mutually interacting and reinforcing methods - from different schools of thought and practice - such as relaxation exercises, visualisations, fantasy trips, auto-suggestion, "intra-body-travelling", body projections, "inner parliament" and cognitive attributions - are employed intensively in various group settings. TRUE BODY® endeavours to aid people to develop their individual, "true" images of their own bodies, to correct inappropriate "false" images, beliefs and ideas, and to achieve a positive body feeling independently of current fashions.